Assisted Outpatient Treatment, "Laura's Law," in Los Angeles County
How to Get Inmate Mental Health or Medical History Information to Los Angeles County Jails
Helpful information for family members.
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Timely Access to Care:
My daughter is enrolled in a MediCal Managed Care Plan and needs to see a therapist as soon as possible. I keep calling for an appointment, but so far the only thing that is available is in 6 weeks. What can I do?
Federal Mental Health Parity Laws Now Apply to All Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans:
If you or your child is enrolled in a California MediCal managed care plan, including a MediCal alternative benefit plan, you are protected by some of the provisions of the federal mental health parity laws.
Medical Necessity: What is it?:
My daughter’s therapist has recommended that she have individual therapy once a week, but my health insurance plan informed me that they will not pay for these sessions because “they are not medically necessary.” What does this mean?
California Mental Health Parity Act: A Way to Expand Mental Health Services for Children and Youth |English| |Spanish| |Korean|
The Mental Health Parity Mandate Applies to Non-Quantitative As Well As Quantitative Limits in Health Insurance Coverage |English| |Spanish| |Korean|
The Stigma and Discrimination Reduction and Advancing Policy to Eliminate Discrimination
The Stigma and Discrimination Reduction and Advancing Policy to Eliminate Discrimination Program (APEDP) is funded by the voter approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop. 63) and administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA). County MHSA funds support CalMHSA, which is an organization of county governments working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. CalMHSA operates services and education programs on a statewide, regional and local basis.
For more information, visit www.calmhsa.org.
California’s Mental Health Movement
Check out the Each Mind Matters campaign and watch the documentary “A New State of Mind: Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness.“
Disability Rights California
See more publications at Disability Rights California.