The mission of Mental Health Advocacy Services is to protect and advance the rights of low-income adults and children with mental health disabilities and empower them to assert those rights in order to maximize their autonomy, achieve equity, and secure the resources they need to thrive. We believe that our mission is most effectively fulfilled through a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values and practices.
Building and sustaining diversity, equity, and inclusion requires an ongoing commitment that must find full expression in our organizational culture, values, norms, policies, and behaviors. Throughout our work, we support diversity across all lines of difference, including race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age, economic circumstance, and religion. We recognize that systemic racism is embedded in all aspects of our society, including our civil legal system. We therefore specifically further commit to better centering racial justice in our own organization and in the work we do as part of our larger community.
Mental Health Advocacy Services recognizes that its effectiveness will be enhanced and its mission well served when the practice of inclusion is reflected in all aspects of the organization and specifically when:
Board Membership
Our Board of Directors reflects the diversity of Los Angeles and our Board recruitment, engagement, and evaluation processes reflect a commitment to the value of inclusion. We foster a Board room that seeks and values diverse perspectives and ensures each member of the Board can actively contribute to fulfilling the organization’s mission.
Clients and Services
We create and implement programs using our awareness of differences and treat all clients, staff, and partners with respect. We deliver services in a trauma-informed and culturally competent way and our services are accessible to the many communities who live in Los Angeles. We seek feedback and input from both clients and staff and work with a diverse group of stakeholders and community-based organizations to ensure that our programs are inclusive.
Policies and Procedures
Our commitment to inclusiveness is evident in our organizational policies and procedures, as part of our strategic plan, within our organizational goals, and in how we operate our business.
Our staff at every level reflects the diversity of Los Angeles and our recruitment, hiring, and management practices reflect a commitment to the value of inclusion. We foster a workplace that respects each individual, seeks and values diverse perspectives, and ensures each employee can actively contribute to fulfilling the organization’s mission.
We share our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core value and practices with current and potential donors and encourage both individual donors and institutional funders to consider and embrace these values.